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  • [Innovation@Work Blog] MIT’s Charles Fine Envisions the Future of Urban Mobility

We’ve had a century-long love affair with the car and, for the most part, it’s been a great ride. But our relationship with automobiles is changing.

  • A New B-School Startup From MIT Sloan Reinvents The MBA Experience

    MIT Professor Charles Fine was asked to lead an unusual business school startup in Kuala Lumpur three years ago, and has done so with great success.

  • MIT Sloan, Bank Negara Malaysia Collaborate to Establish Asia School of Business

    MIT Sloan School of Management has entered into a 10-year collaboration with Bank Negara Malaysia to establish the Asia School of Business (ASB) in the English-speaking global financial center of...

  • MIT Sloan Announces Collaboration with Malaysia’s Central Bank to Found the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur

    Professor Charles Fine will serve as president and dean; School will open in September 2016.

  • Your Next Supply Chain

    New forces and dynamics are emerging to influence the supply chain designs of the future. And even the old forces are influencing it in new ways. Interviews with David Simchi-Levi and Charles H....

  • Bringing Process Innovation and Creativity into Operations

    "It used to be that all Procter & Gamble products were developed in their R&D labs," commented MIT Sloan Professor Charles Fine in the article Your Next Supply Chain, MIT Sloan Management Review. "...

  • Intelli-Sourcing to Replace Offshoring as Supply Chain Transparency Increases

    In the past twenty years, there has been an evolution in the way that sourcing and global manufacturing are viewed. While price is important, it is no longer supreme, as increased complexity and...

  • Weathering the Weather

    Since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, catastrophes like the massive floods in Thailand and Pakistan, a prolonged drought in the Southwestern United States, and the one-two punch...

  • The Faster New World of Healthcare

    The developing health IT infrastructure, with its host of new applications, is ushering in the most intensely competitive era in the healthcare industrys history, by sharply accelerating the...

  • Automotive Lightweighting as a Strategic Opportunity for Indias Automotive Industry

    Suppose you could leapfrog 100 years of experience in the automotive industry and begin a new manufacturing epoch. The strategic change you would make is to lightweight the vehicle, observes...

Angeline and Spencer are Panelists at the Inventor's Symposium


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